This is geared for beginners, but anyone can do it. Here is the routine:
Sit on your bottom with legs extended in front of you and out, like a "V" shape. (Make sure you are holding your stomach in high and tight, like your being "zipped" up from your pelvis to your sternum. This helps strengthen your core which is vital for exercising and preventing injuries.) Reach for your right foot with your right hand (as far as you can, you don't have to touch) while your torso is facing left. Reach with your left arm up and over your head with your hand pointing toward your right arm crook. Breath and hold for 8 counts. Switch to left side and repeat on opposite side. Do this 5 times (10 if you feel up to it).
Cat Arch
Kneel down with legs hip width apart. Bend over and place hands on the floor shoulder width apart. Arch your back upward, tilting your pelvis toward your navel and bending your neck and head down so you are now looking at your thighs. Zip that tummy! Breath and hold for 4 counts. Then go back to the starting position and invert your back as if your navel is being pulled to the ground. Look up at the ceiling as far back as is comfortable. (still zip that tummy!)Breath and hold for 4 counts. Repeat 5 times alternating arches as you just did.
Calf and Hamstring (the picture shows a more advanced version)
Find a spot on the wall where you have access to it's space from floor to just above your head and twice your shoulder width wide. Note- doors do not work well, as they wobble and can be opened unexpectedly! Stand with back against the wall and take one large step forward. Turn around while staying in that spot. Reach arms forward at a comfortable distance apart and place on wall. Is your tummy zipped? Take your right foot and place toes up against the wall at floor level. Bend right knee. Keep left leg straight out behind you with toes facing the wall. You should feel a pull and burning sensation. Breath and hold for 8 counts. Straighten right leg slightly until pulling feeling subsides. Rest for 3 counts. Bend right knee again, repeating previous process. Do 5 times. After the 5th time, bend the left leg, shifting your weight to that leg, and straighten your extended right leg with toes pointed to the ceiling.(don't move your position) Dig your heel into the ground if needed while stretching the backside of your right thigh by acting as though there is a rope around your knee pulling it to the ground. Breath and hold for 8 counts. Relax. Repeat 5 times. Switch to left side and repeat 5 times for each exercise.
Cross Arm Stretch
You may be sitting or standing for this. Be sure you are zipping up your tummy! Reach your right arm straight across your chest. Grab your right elbow with your left hand. Pull yo
ur right arm closer toward you with your left hand as far as you can (it may burn). Breath and hold for 8 counts. Switch arms. Repeat process twice. Reach straight up with right arm and bend down at the elbow leaving right hand dangling behind your head. Grab right wrist with left hand and pull toward left shoulder. Breath and hold for 8 counts. Switch arms and repeat process twice.
Congratulations! You've just done a whole body stretch from head to toe. Feel a little better? These stretches can be done at anytime. I suggest the morning time to help wake your body and limber it up for a day of activity!
June 8, 2010
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