These tips may require you to allow for a few extra minutes in your schedule. Plan accordingly.
Park further away from the entrance to the store. If you have kids, park by a cart return farther from the store entrance. If it's late at first.
Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Have kid(s) in a stroller? You'll have to take the elevator. If not, make your kids climb the stairs, too.
Going to the park that's a mile or less away? WALK! You'll save on gas and get a good workout.
When going to multiple stores in a strip mall, park in a neutral location and walk to each store, returning to the vehicle as necessary only to unload merchandise. When done shopping, drive again to go home.
Hungry? Fruits and veggies are a perfect natural snack. Most come in proper portions right off the tree! ...or bush, vine, ground, whatever... They are nutritious and delicious! The more you eat, the more you will crave them (and dislike junk food).
Follow proper portion sizes. You'd be surprised how much we over eat.